Oh look, some air

I was hoping, readers, to today continue that ripping thriller of a tale from yesterday. But I got a bit distracted, and before I knew it I was feeding those eleven brutish children of my impertinent butler with some stale smoked salmon. Never let it be said that I don’t have a philanthropic bone in my body – my whole skeleton is dripping with pure philanthropy, I’ll have you know.

So here’s a sunset. Another one.

I almost dropped the camera doing that, I’ll have you know. Although you probably won’t have appreciated those snaps.

Those bones of my body which are not philanthropic are decked out with intellectual insecurity. Hence this quote, from off of a book that I read once:

“Shh,” Hector said. “Who cares about the sunset? Just watch the crows.”

Also, I found myself watching come chidren’s television yesterday. It was, I imagine, not dissimilar to what happens after consuming an excessive quantity of Beechams.

“I know what I’ll do, I’ll strangle a monkey.”
