I’ve been suffering from my shoelaces coming undone recently – there’s a particular pair of shoes with particularly slippery laces. In a recent podcast episode, John Robins mentioned the Ian Knot, which has been on my radar since 2005 and I’ve been using since 2012, but it made me think I should check that my knotting technique hadn’t gotten sloppy. It hadn’t, but I’d been missing out on the extra security of the Double Ian Knot (which is actually what JR mentioned) – it’s just like the single Ian Knot but with an extra step at the end – and since adding the extra step at the end I haven’t had my laces come untied once.
Bought a showerhead from Lidl just over a year ago – incredibly, I didn’t write about it here at the time. (I have some complaints about the Lidl Plus app – ambushing me with an updated privacy policy when I’m in a checkout queue, no thank you – but I’m jolly impressed by the receipt history search feature, which I used just now to check when I bought the showerhead.) This week, I noticed that showerheads are back in season, and also the button on the year-old showerhead – you know, for toggling between the three spray modes – has stopped working. Coincidence?
I could return the showerhead for replacement under the three year warranty – of course I’ve kept the warranty information – but what am I supposed to do while waiting for my claim to be processed, have baths?
Sunday. Had lunch and a small seaside walk with some cherished loved ones, taking in various liquids – cider, soup, Earl Grey (the three main liquids) – and then it was time to go home. I could have caught a train and enjoyed several opportunities for peeing – while waiting for the train, on the train, etc. – but my espousal of the bustimes.org brand values is so strong that I chose to spend 90 minutes on a bus, in growing discomfort, cursing every time an inconsiderate passenger delayed progress by getting on or off the bus. But the great relief I felt at eventually relieving myself, in better facilities than a train toilet, almost made the suffering worthwhile.