Week 291: man's inhumanity to man

What a lot of cultural highlights of the week.

Friday: I resigned myself to having missed a train, then realised the train was late so I could catch it if I was quick, and in the end it was even later than that so I hadn’t even needed to be quick. I the rush I forgot to pack my toothbrush, then later forgot to pack the hastily bought replacement, so that’s the shortest amount of time I’ve owned a toothbrush, what a funny story.

Saturday: Since I happened to be in the same city at the same time, I too-briefly stopped in on OggCamp which is a lovely thing. (Today I saw a toot disparaging the smell of one of, and the social awkwardness of some of the attendees, but that can’t be about me cos I wasn’t there today.)

Week 290

Week 289: tomatoes

Week 288: pappy

Week 287: apples

Week 286: soup station

Week 285: relaxed holiday demeanour

Week 284: dark mode again

Week 283: so refined

Week 282: the thinking man's plum