Inexpensive label printers, without which there wouldn’t be all those stickers everywhere, are up there with crypto bollocks and other polluting inventions. Someone recommended a two pence coin, which is a both a useful invention for removing conspiracy theories from lampposts and a better way of paying for things than Bitcoin. Yeah!
I do operate a website that, hypothetically, someone could advertise by printing QR codes corresponding to bus stop URLs and adhering them to relevant surfaces. Needless to say, it would be bad vandalism. More galaxy-brained would be to advertise a competitor (say Citymapper) that way.
Bicycled to see the pa and was almost most excited to see he had a new clock – technically an alarm clock, but only employed as a small clock – whose second hand moves silently untickingly, and I thought I’ve got to get me one of those. I have a handsome Braun clock, which Dieter Rams might have had a hand in designing, but its tick is so noisy and if you whack it (which can sometimes quieten the ticking) the battery can fall out the back, so these innovative Chinese clocks are worth investigating.
The particular model is offered under a variety of funny names, at slightly different prices, with or without a logo printed on the face. This one has a product image apparently photoshopped by MC Escher. The kerning of the numbers looks a bit off, but I’ve just noticed the headings on this website are just as bad.
I made of a note of this tweet from The New York Times on Twitter: “Millions of Americans are skipping the second dose of their Covid vaccines. State officials are rushing to keep that number from growing even more.” I think I thought it rummy that “keep” there means “prevent” but could just as easily mean “make continue”. But actually my point doesn’t have any point because of the extra word “from”, you know, “keep from”.
Just in time for the bank holiday weekend, the little beige box that controls the water heater made a sizzling noise and let out some smoke. I suppose I should be grateful because normally you have to pay for pyrotechnics. My understanding is that smoke is the “life force” making any electronic thing work, so when the smoke puffs out it works no more. The upshot is I’m more unwashed than usual, which apparently is how many from-home workers have been over the last year, but I’m a latecomer to the trend. I’ve enjoyed cold showers before, but not now. 🥶