Went to London, which was novel. I didn’t have a good reason to go, but I’d bought a train ticket when I had a reason, and I wasn’t going to let the train ticket go unused.
Coincidentally, the Goodyear Blimp (actually a semi-rigid airship) followed me to, and around, London. Needless to say, I soon found myself craving some tyres.
Went to the seaside, which was a bit novel too. Walked from one seaside town to the next, in light drizzle, and some whizzy new buses whizzed past – whizzo.
⚽️ On Tuesday I won £2.13. Still, obviously gambling is stupid, don’t gamble. And the real winner was football.
On Saturday I walked to a park I’d never walked to before, like a pound shop diamond geezer. It would have been fun to hear various cheers emanating from pubs and boats and houses, but they were out of earshot. After a week of walking quite far, my feet had by now gone a bit Joyce Carol Oates.
Some work.
On the train to London, I continued some stuff I’ve been doing to make bustimes.org more useful in London (still less useful than the great London-centric apps like Citymapper).
On Saturday, there was little database performance problem, and it’s satisfying to be able to look back at this silly little website like the rings on a cross-section of a tree trunk and see it last happened 20 weeks ago which was a different time.