This week has felt unusually long – great, good value! – and I don’t write these notes over the course of the week like some kind of swot, so, more than ever, I can’t remember much from the start of the week.
Today: did some laundry and I think I forgot to put any detergent in the washing machine – I think, I don’t remember, but then it’s not the sort of thing one remembers. Here’s a funny story: a while ago I thought “these new dishwasher tablets aren’t very good”, then the penny dropped and I went from thinking that to being impressed by how well everything had been cleaned with just water. What a funny story.
Apparently clothes retain a bit of residual residue from previous washes, so forgetting to add detergent may actually be OK once in a while; that doesn’t apply to plates and forks etc.
Work: I’m stuck, blocked, haven’t achieved almost anything. And that’s OK for now – I’m glad to have some more healthy blank squares in my contributions graph – but also dispiriting and unsustainable.
Walked a long way, to a small nature reserve and then a bit further, while listening to a playlist of everything I’ve Shazamed in the past year or so. Of course the most notable nature I saw was just a stone’s throw from the front door (a cormorant).
🎦 Heretic (2024). Hugh Grant plays a sort of more-of-a-comment-than-a-question bore. Nobody says the name of the film at any point.