With renewed enthusiasm I set about making the place less of a hovel and jettisoning rubbish that no longer sparks joy. That included a sock cull – I’ve yet to find the perfect sock; even the ones with the most going for them, like they’re wonderfully soft and the right size and have a jazzy design, have a flaw like they wear out quickly. I have to remind myself that there are people (like Steve Allen) who famously wear a new pair of socks every day, and I’ll never be as wasteful as they so I shouldn’t feel so guilty about saying goodbye to a sock.
Also I dismantled a broken hard drive, curious to see what lay within, and now to decide whether to repurpose the two shiny “platters” as too-small coasters, tree decorations or handsome jewellery.
Some work, obv. Since reading all of Alex Russell’s posts about how React is bad I’ve been trying to use Preact in its stead – shame-driven development – but ended up going round in circles in technical cul-de-sacs, as if it really is unnecessarily complex. And I was perversely reluctant to use my tried-and-trusted method of working on some different stuff for a bit, of enjoying solving some easier problems, but at last I did and I’ve made some progress in understanding some of the errors that were sending me around the cul-de-sac. So that’s good.
I tried using much less dishwasher powder, and altered the how-much-salt-to-use setting to match the local water hardness (very hard … as in the water here is very minerally, according to the water company’s interactive map, and altering the setting was difficult) and the results were promising.
🎦 A Complete Unknown. Timmy’s Bobbles is extraordinary.