I heard a beep. A while later, another, then one every five minutes, and it drove me restless. Beeps aren’t distinctive, especially when a lot of devices probably all use the same off-the-shelf piezoelectric beepers – this beep reminded me of the robot vacuum cleaner, but unplugging that didn’t stop the beeping. I accused all sorts of things – the smoke alarm, my houseguests’ Bluetooth headphones, etc.
Eventually, after a lot of beeps, I realised that it was the carbon dioxide sensor – I can’t find the blog post that convinced me to buy one back in 2022. Incredibly, I’m such a sad little hermit that I’ve never before had enough people exhaling in my home to raise the CO₂ level above 1400ppm. (By the by, I wonder if any/how many orgies have been ruined by carbon dioxide sensors.)
In my defence, the app refers to a “buzzer”, which is misleading – a buzz is different to a beep. And hermitude isn’t the full story – in warmer weather I keep the place better-ventilated. And perhaps I didn’t always have the “beep every 5 minutes” setting switched on.
Some things I’ve done on the computer recently:
Applied this desktop wallpaper, with the Reduce Transparency setting to stop the menu bar being all yellow.
Started using Ghostty for my terminal needs. The only snag has been finding myself instinctively ⌘ + F-ing, which doesn’t work.
Tidied my RSS feed subscriptions, which is how I learnt why one of the blogs I subscribed to had posted nothing new recently (prison for strangling his wife).