What a lot of important work I did this week. Realigned the navigation on this website – I sometimes forget that flexbox is so damn nifty and is a thing you can just use these days – I liked having the “archive” and “search” links deliberately hard-to-find, due to embarrassment at what lay beyond, but then sometimes I wanted to find something from my past and it was annoying.
Looking at the App Store screenshots for Hyperspace reminded me that one can set a custom icon for a Macintosh’s internal storage device, and indeed any file or folder. So I whimsically applied a picture of Lee Mack – you know, because it’s a Mac – then immediately regretted it and couldn’t undo. (Eventually managed to replace the grinning funnyman with the floppy disk icon, phew.)
My most contentious opinion is that plastic recycling isn’t real and is a displacement activity for tackling climate change. Yes I’m fastidious about recycling metal and glass, and even plastic bottles etc., but not plastic that’s dirty or the “recycle with bags at larger supermarket” soft kind – better stashing it safely in landfill, surely, than it mouldering in a flammable warehouse or falling off a boat into the sea. But something’s changed, for some reason I’ve become more optimistic, I’ve gathered some bags and film lids and by Jingo I’m going to recycle them at larger supermarket.
A while ago, they stopped having proper lids on the 450–500g pots of yoghurt. You could send off for a reusable lid in the post, but I missed the deadline. This week, I found that the lid from a small tub of trout pâté fits perfectly on a 450g yoghurt tub, what a game-changer. Does it make the yoghurt taste of trout? No of course not.
Cooking highlights: leeks vinaigrette (leeks were a bit gritty), two big sandwiches.